

“everything about my journey, aerospace engineering and books”

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Christmas Eve in Frankfurt

Winter of 2023 has come and traveling around some cities in Germany could have been a good idea. So, the first destination was Frankfurt, a fairly big city in west Germany, less than 3-hour drive from closest France city of Metz. The town square of Frankfurt is full of German authentic architectures, buildings with a…

Teach Like Finland: The Brain Break

From the book Teach Like Finland by Timothy D. Walker Couple of compelling points from this book, which relate to my real life, are going to be delivered right below. Back when Timothy was teaching an elementary school in Arlington, the US, he felt that teaching was an exhausting job. He almost had no (positive)…

Spending Whole Day in Amsterdam

A cloudy morning was welcoming us in Amsterdam. We went straight to the Amsterdam Central Station that took only about 15 minutes from Amsterdam Sloterdijk by Sprinter train. The looks of the main station was magical that morning, with the background of gloomy weather. Not far from the station, the Holland architectures were another things…

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