Hydrogen Aircraft, Part 2: Avengers Assemble!

Now, how shall we act regarding climate change? Part 2 will gather the Avengers of sustainable transportation enthusiasts all over the planet earth. Some dots in image below show the war against CO2 using hydrogen are happening!

Hydrogen projects in the world by October 2021 [1]

Real action is the key

Let’s begin with something cool. Did you ever imagine waiting behind Leonardo DiCaprio while he’s refuelling his car in this hydrogen station?

Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle station in California, United States [2]

This might occur in real life since the Government of California in the United States is planning to build 200 hydrogen refuelling stations by 2025 [3]. And yes, Leonardo DiCaprio was born in California! (You can ask him the birth certificate if you aren’t trusting me). On top of that, 1.4 million Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEV) had been sold in CA through Q4 2022 [3].

How about another countries? South Korea has set a clear roadmap for implementing hydrogen as fuel for mass transportation [4]. Here I put a direct link to buy Hyundai NEXO, Hydrogen Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) made in South Korea, in case you wanna have it ready in your frontyard by tomorrow morning https://www.hyundai.com/fr/modeles/nexo.html . So, do you prefer waiting to energize your car behind Leonardo DiCaprio or your Kpop idols?

Former South Korea’s president Moon Jae-in visiting Hyundai Motor Company who produce hydrogen fueled vehicle [5]

France don’t want to feel Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) by ordering dual-mode electric-hydrogen train. The French train operator SNCF has ordered this regional train from its manufacturer, Alstom [6]. Now, you can go from Strasbourg, well-known as “Capitole de Noel” (Christmas capital town), to the stunning city of Colmar by knowing how much you contribute the CO2 emission (see ticket below). Luckily, I already had multiple nice rides with SNCF during my stay in France.

Example of train ticket by SNCF [7]

Do you know EasyJet? Oh.. I always look for cheap tickets from this British multinational low-cost airline for a short escape. Together with Rolls-Royce, they ran test of hydrogen engine [8] for narrow-body aircraft in 2022. Rolls-Royce, a luxury car brand is producing aircraft engine? Right, you didn’t misread it. In fact, their business include aerospace sector as well [9]. Not a big surprise, considering Yamaha is a top constructor in MotoGP while also producing acoustic guitar that you play in your bedroom.

My last flight with EasyJet took-off from Toulouse Blagnac Airport

Many players are ready for the future of hydrogen, but what’s the rational behind hydrogen?


If you wanna explore more:

[1] https://www.economist.com/briefing/2021/10/09/creating-the-new-hydrogen-economy-is-a-massive-undertaking

[2] https://business.ca.gov/industries/zero-emission-vehicles/hydrogen-readiness/

[3] https://business.ca.gov/industries/hydrogen/

[4] ZEROe: Reducing the climate impact of flying. Glenn Llewellyn. Airbus.

[5] https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20190116160800003?input=1195m

[6] https://www.sncf.com/en/commitments/cse-priorities/sncf-accelerates-hydrogen-train

[7] https://www.sncf-connect.com/

[8] https://mediacentre.easyjet.com/story/15627/rolls-royce-and-easyjet-set-new-aviation-world-first-with-successful-hydrogen-engine-run

[9] https://www.rolls-royce.com/

Published by Bonjour Marco

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