Lauterbrunnen, a Valley Village

What comes first to your mind when you hear a word “Swiss”? Snow, the Alps mountains, or watch? Perhaps red cross-alike flag? Oh one more, the maestro Roger Federer?

View from Grutschalp cable car station

I will virtually guide you to the beautiful small village named Lauterbrunnen. Just from the name, we know this gonna be an aesthetic place. So, the words won’t be much, I’ll let the pictures explain the whole experience…

Lauterbrunnen is located 800 m above the sea level

You will instantly know that Lauterbrunnen people speak German when you find ü of Thomas Müller. Quick math quiz for you: 801 meters is equal to (…) feet.

Main street under the masive cliff

Only exists 1 main road across this village (captured above), surrounded by breathtaking massive cliff. This city known also as “thousands waterfall”, flowing down those cliffs. If you know, this place might be equivalent to Grojogan Sewu in Karanganyar wkwk. Unluckily, my “smartphone” cannot captured those waterfall. From here, I realize that “smart” doesn’t mean has no limit, but be able to recognize their limits instead.

Which house do you choose to live in?

If you look to the left from the main street, you’ll see these view. Broad green fields with the spacious distance between locals’ house. How peaceful it is!

One of few red thing in Lauterbrunnen

Do you know what makes this photo special? Because there is egg? No, ofc because of the red jeep. As far as my sight can reach, I cannot notice red-painted house, all same with white- or cream-coloured.

Lauterbrunnen valley
Landscape version of the valley

The above photos are most popular spot where you can witness how this is called a valley. Tricolour mountains: green, brown, and white sourround the village.

You can reach the neighbour villages, such as Wengen and Mürren easily by public transports. The available one is cable car or gondola.

View of the valley from the running cable car

I got an opportunity to the Grutschalp, another spot that situated couple hundred meters above Lauterbrunnen. No other options, so we took a cable car as the only mass transport.

Grutschalp: heaven on earth

I hope you don’t get bored seeing this image. This is un-cropped version of the one in the beginning hehe. Beside Gritschalp cable car station, you will see this beautiful view (pls lemme know another adjectives that properly describe this view!). Those are Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau mountains respectively. I met 70ish year-old man who kindly explain to us the names, eventhough it is written in the map.

The other red exists on the Switzerland flag

One way to appeciate this outstanding place is by painting it. These aren’t real view, just the artistic imagination comes into my mind when the word “Lauterbrunnen” pops up.


Published by Bonjour Marco

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