Lourdes, a Holy City in Southwest of France

No, Lourdes isn’t literal translation of “holy” like Kota Kudus in Indonesia ahaha! Let’s start with a super brief history class. This town is where St. Bernadette Soubirous was experiencing the apparitions of Mother Mary at a cave/grotto many times. I’ll show you the cave below. So, Lourdes is popular as a city for pilgrimage of Catholics all over the world (I mean it! You’ll see in a minute). But of course everyone is welcome!

Lourdes, city with massive sanctuary

Lourdes was a small city situated in the south of France. The trip only took 2 hours from Toulouse by the lovely SNCF train. The Tarbes–Lourdes–Pyrénées Airport also exists nearby to ease the access for foreign visitors. How to pronounce Lourdes is “lurd” (with that “rrr” of French accent) more or less, not “lordes” as pronounced by some.

The classic French train station of Lourdes

The city got the nice contours. There are suffice ups and downs to make your breath short. But still every corner is beautiful and classic French cities style. You’ll find a peace if you arrive in the morning, plus if water from the sky is pouring onto your head.

Street close to the train station
Classic French sidewalk and road

I walked straight to the sanctuary from the train station. It was a nice 1.5 km walk with homy situation along the way. When I got there, I was mesmerized by the frontyard. Perhaps Indonesia vs France game could be played over there after against Argentina in GBK. It is fairly huge, you need reserve energy to reach the sanctuary’s front door from the main gate.

The frontyard of the sanctuary
Frontyard from the top

Formally, there are 3 floors of the sanctuary, if I’m not misremembered coz there exists intermediate/half floor. So many group visitors I encountered that day. From old people, family, disability people. And cute students’ school trip as you notice in this photo! They are aged 10-12 I guess with their teachers explaining something. Sometimes I was following them and eavesdropping the explanations. Starting way to learn French is to learn like a kids wkwkw.

School visit at the sanctuary
No caption needed! They’re naturally too cute

Lourdes is surrounded by lush forests. If there such as a comfort food, this city might be comfort version of a city. A perfect place to talk to God. This image is side view of the sanctuary that was taken from the top of the sanctuary. Why are people assembling down there? We’ll see together in a moment…

Heaven on the earth

Oh, apparently the mass is happening at the Grotto Massabielle or Cave of Mother Mary or Goa Maria! Many people with disabilities attended who come from multiple European countries. At least, I can hear them talk in French, Spanish, Italian, and English. There are also several masses held in different languages at the scheduled times.

The mass is happening in that morning

What makes it special is because it’s situated right under the church building. Civil engineer, please tell me how is this structure possible?

Grotto Massabielle under the sanctuary

The view is even more magical if it’s zoomed out like the picture shown below. It looks like Harry Potter’s Hogwarts. Very European styled architecture!

Heaven on the earth (2)

My time in Lourdes was very well-spent while sitting on the bench under the trees with this view. The camera can’t fully capture the entire beauty!!!


The water here is also famous. It’s considered as holy water in a way that people believe that it can make miracles or cure diseases or bless people. How to get the water? Simple, just take it free from the series of tap water in the face of the Grotto Massabielle. I bet all people visiting this place fill their bottle with this Lourdes holy water. You can buy in the store nearby and take it home for your dearest. Maybe it is equivalent to Zamzam water in Mecca?

Lourdes holy water

Little bit of of context, you can learn basic words from at least 5 or 6 languages here. Many signs, instructions and descriptions are written in French, English, Italian, Spanish, Deutsch, and German. One advantage to visit well-known European sites.

Exit in multiple European language

Or here for an instructions for tourist for not visiting the church during the mass. Yes, in Europe churches become public tourism destination.

No visits during mass

Not so far from the main sanctuary, there is a little hill for “the way of cross” or “chemin de croix” in French. I just knew this phrase means “jalan salib” from this place. You can follow the route of multiple stops in this hill.

The Way of Cross in Lourdes

My one day trip was concluded by buying a Galette Kebab near the train station.

Here I present you more piece of photos taken in peaceful Lourdes:


Published by Bonjour Marco

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