Breathing Fresh Air in Strasbourg

One of the hommiest city I’ve ever visited. Period. Let me walk you across this town situated in northeastern of France.

What a way to start our day! By visiting a beautiful mosque in the side of the river in the morning. The religious tolerance is well-cultivated here, in the Capitale de Noël or Christmas Capital.

Petite France being the most famous tourism site to visit when you’re in Strasbourg. Please come early in the morning before people wake up and the birds already do leave their nests. Characterized by view of the twin tower in the bank of a river, Petite France will give you peace inside your heart. A piece of image that deserves to be in a postcard!

There is no need to compare Strasbourg and Venice when it comes to the canals flowing through the city. Both are superb in their own styles: French-German or Italian style. Except the Gondola thing isn’t common over here.

People were already up when we’re marching at this tiny cobbled streets. December is a perfect month to feel the true vibes of Strasbourg. You will see series of German-influenced houses along these alleys.

Imagine you wake up in the one of that house and staring how plenty people walking around your house. How’d you feel? Comfortable is all about perspective, isn’t it? From people inside or outside the wall…

Still in the Petite France, you gonna find peaceful neighboorhood like captured below. Walking means experiencing the fruit of old town of the eighth biggest city in France.

Moving a little bit from Petite France to Place Kleber, many Christmas stalls were still here even though it was over. FYI, the well-known Christmas market (even in Europe), is wrapped up on December, 24th. Well then, this kind of view is common on 26th.

Below are the typical European square with cobbled yard surrounded by Gothic architectures here and there. People are enjoying their time by buying food, spending money at the shops, or just simply walking and sightseeing.

Here we come to why this city is called as Capitale de Noël. Strasbourg has a majestic Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg standing still in a neighborhood. Warning: wide camera is needed to capture the whole height of this cathedrale.

The crowd and ornaments in the night are outstanding also. I’ll let you sense the celebration by these pictures of luminous angels, christmas tree and stars.

So, if people ask me which place I’d like to revisit or to recommend someone, Strasbourg is the answer.

Is this reminding you of Martabak Manis?


Published by Bonjour Marco

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