Christmas Eve in Frankfurt

Winter of 2023 has come and traveling around some cities in Germany could have been a good idea. So, the first destination was Frankfurt, a fairly big city in west Germany, less than 3-hour drive from closest France city of Metz. The town square of Frankfurt is full of German authentic architectures, buildings with aContinue reading “Christmas Eve in Frankfurt”

Teach Like Finland: The Brain Break

From the book Teach Like Finland by Timothy D. Walker Couple of compelling points from this book, which relate to my real life, are going to be delivered right below. Back when Timothy was teaching an elementary school in Arlington, the US, he felt that teaching was an exhausting job. He almost had no (positive)Continue reading “Teach Like Finland: The Brain Break”

Spending Whole Day in Amsterdam

A cloudy morning was welcoming us in Amsterdam. We went straight to the Amsterdam Central Station that took only about 15 minutes from Amsterdam Sloterdijk by Sprinter train. The looks of the main station was magical that morning, with the background of gloomy weather. Not far from the station, the Holland architectures were another thingsContinue reading “Spending Whole Day in Amsterdam”

Think Again: Preacher, Prosecutor, or Politician Mind Modes

When I was walking around in Auchan looking for a 1-kg chicken wing to cook this week, a mind of buying a book came in. In the booksection, I found a compelling title “Think Again, The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know”. Do I buy it based on the first sight or do IContinue reading “Think Again: Preacher, Prosecutor, or Politician Mind Modes”

Brief Tour of Switzerland Villages

Let me take you on a brief tour of multiple small counties in Jungfrau region, Switzerland! Basically, I’ll give you some options which place you prefer to spend your retirement. Once you read all choices, kindly let me know. Switzerland public transportation is truly dedicated for tourists as you can see below. Even they provideContinue reading “Brief Tour of Switzerland Villages”

Hydrogen Aircraft, Part 8: Is Hydrogen Stored in a Bottle? (2)

Does anyone remember what was the last post about? …. pause of 5 secs (like Dora and the Explorer). Yes, you’re absolutely right! It was about how to design a hydrogen tank in an aircraft. To remind you a bit, there are 3 main challenges to address: geometrical, structural, and thermal. Now, we’re gonna startContinue reading “Hydrogen Aircraft, Part 8: Is Hydrogen Stored in a Bottle? (2)”

Clever Lands: How Finland Transform Their Education System?

Ei oppi ojaan kaada (education won’t knock you down in the ditch) Finnish proverb I always enjoy when reading a part of the Clever Lands about Finland education culture. How this Nordic country transform their education system becomes one of the best in the world are going to be discussed in the next few seconds.Continue reading “Clever Lands: How Finland Transform Their Education System?”

Breathing Fresh Air in Strasbourg

One of the hommiest city I’ve ever visited. Period. Let me walk you across this town situated in northeastern of France. What a way to start our day! By visiting a beautiful mosque in the side of the river in the morning. The religious tolerance is well-cultivated here, in the Capitale de Noël or ChristmasContinue reading “Breathing Fresh Air in Strasbourg”

Clever Lands: Finland’s Recipe on Advanced Education

Tyvesta puuhun noustaan (A tree is climbed from its base) Finnish proverb Finland is renowned as a country who has one of the best education system all over the world. Consistently ranked top on the PISA test, where maths, reading, and science skills are assessed. The recipe behind those things are comprehensively explained by LucyContinue reading “Clever Lands: Finland’s Recipe on Advanced Education”

Hydrogen Aircraft, Part 7: Is Hydrogen Stored in a Bottle? (1)

“Adapting cryogenic tank technology for commercial aircraft represents some major design and manufacturing challenges” David Butters, Head of Engineering for LH2 Storage and Distribution at Airbus [1] Who agree with David Butters’ statement above? I do agree, that’s why this post is up for discussions. In this very short article, we will go through some challengesContinue reading “Hydrogen Aircraft, Part 7: Is Hydrogen Stored in a Bottle? (1)”

The Culture Map: Confrontational and Avoid-Confrontation Countries

One interesting point made by a book titled The Culture Map – Decoding How People Think, Lead, and Get Things Done Across Cultures by Erin Meyer. A book that’s definitely worth to read for those who want to understand how people across the world think, act and speak. I got massively enlighten when reading ChapterContinue reading “The Culture Map: Confrontational and Avoid-Confrontation Countries”

Lourdes, a Holy City in Southwest of France

No, Lourdes isn’t literal translation of “holy” like Kota Kudus in Indonesia ahaha! Let’s start with a super brief history class. This town is where St. Bernadette Soubirous was experiencing the apparitions of Mother Mary at a cave/grotto many times. I’ll show you the cave below. So, Lourdes is popular as a city for pilgrimageContinue reading “Lourdes, a Holy City in Southwest of France”

Hydrogen Aircraft, Part 6: Gayung or Shower? Combustion or Fuel Cells?

As we look together from the last few posts, hydrogen (H2) has arisen to be one most potential propulsion for aiming near-zero emission aviation. But you shall ask [“How to harness hydrogen energy to power an aircraft?”; “How is an energy source can produce only zero-emission byproducts?”; “What are the additional system should be implementedContinue reading “Hydrogen Aircraft, Part 6: Gayung or Shower? Combustion or Fuel Cells?”

Range: What was wrong with NASA’s Challenger?

Let me share a small background story when NASA’s space mission Challenger exploded. This is explained in technical-friendly way in book Range, in order to connect that accident to the natural tendency of human being. Especially on how people are fundamentally afraid dropping their familiar tools. This story was cited from a book Range: HowContinue reading “Range: What was wrong with NASA’s Challenger?”

Lauterbrunnen, a Valley Village

What comes first to your mind when you hear a word “Swiss”? Snow, the Alps mountains, or watch? Perhaps red cross-alike flag? Oh one more, the maestro Roger Federer? I will virtually guide you to the beautiful small village named Lauterbrunnen. Just from the name, we know this gonna be an aesthetic place. So, theContinue reading “Lauterbrunnen, a Valley Village”

Hydrogen Aircraft, Part 5: Are You a Baby Boomer, Millennial or Gen Z, H2 propusion?

“Never, ever forget history” Ir. Soekarno, 1st president of Republic Indonesia Perhaps, that’s what the translator said to John F Kennedy when he learnt about Soekarno’s speech of “Jasmerah” (Jangan Sekali-kali Meninggalkan Sejarah, 1966). The reasonings “why hydrogen propulsion” were wrapped up in the previous post. Now, a question raises: is this an advanced technologyContinue reading “Hydrogen Aircraft, Part 5: Are You a Baby Boomer, Millennial or Gen Z, H2 propusion?”

Monaco: Home of F1 Street Circuit

Spring, 2022 Who say coming to a country with the highest GDP per capita ( needs a lot of money? No, especially when you leave from its neighbour city: Nice. You only need the whole 1.5 euros for a bus trip. The bus was full of tourists, I assume, cause many of them took photosContinue reading “Monaco: Home of F1 Street Circuit”

Hydrogen Aircraft, Part 4: Is “Body Shaming” Allowed to an Airplane?

The election has been warmed up by climate impact and cost consideration on the previous part. What are another issues to tackle next? Physical properties and how they influence aircraft architectures in general are being the primary discussion. Is it considered as body shaming for an aircraft? As a reminder (to myself as well), weContinue reading “Hydrogen Aircraft, Part 4: Is “Body Shaming” Allowed to an Airplane?”

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