Teach Like Finland: The Brain Break

From the book Teach Like Finland by Timothy D. Walker Couple of compelling points from this book, which relate to my real life, are going to be delivered right below. Back when Timothy was teaching an elementary school in Arlington, the US, he felt that teaching was an exhausting job. He almost had no (positive)Continue reading “Teach Like Finland: The Brain Break”

Think Again: Preacher, Prosecutor, or Politician Mind Modes

When I was walking around in Auchan looking for a 1-kg chicken wing to cook this week, a mind of buying a book came in. In the booksection, I found a compelling title “Think Again, The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know”. Do I buy it based on the first sight or do IContinue reading “Think Again: Preacher, Prosecutor, or Politician Mind Modes”

Clever Lands: How Finland Transform Their Education System?

Ei oppi ojaan kaada (education won’t knock you down in the ditch) Finnish proverb I always enjoy when reading a part of the Clever Lands about Finland education culture. How this Nordic country transform their education system becomes one of the best in the world are going to be discussed in the next few seconds.Continue reading “Clever Lands: How Finland Transform Their Education System?”

Clever Lands: Finland’s Recipe on Advanced Education

Tyvesta puuhun noustaan (A tree is climbed from its base) Finnish proverb Finland is renowned as a country who has one of the best education system all over the world. Consistently ranked top on the PISA test, where maths, reading, and science skills are assessed. The recipe behind those things are comprehensively explained by LucyContinue reading “Clever Lands: Finland’s Recipe on Advanced Education”

The Culture Map: Confrontational and Avoid-Confrontation Countries

One interesting point made by a book titled The Culture Map – Decoding How People Think, Lead, and Get Things Done Across Cultures by Erin Meyer. A book that’s definitely worth to read for those who want to understand how people across the world think, act and speak. I got massively enlighten when reading ChapterContinue reading “The Culture Map: Confrontational and Avoid-Confrontation Countries”

Range: What was wrong with NASA’s Challenger?

Let me share a small background story when NASA’s space mission Challenger exploded. This is explained in technical-friendly way in book Range, in order to connect that accident to the natural tendency of human being. Especially on how people are fundamentally afraid dropping their familiar tools. This story was cited from a book Range: HowContinue reading “Range: What was wrong with NASA’s Challenger?”

Range: Childhood of Elite Musicians

Original title: Range; How Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World Author: David Epstein This is tiny parts of the book, in which don’t portray a whole book’s content. Interesting notions/quotes are being delivered here! Jack Cecchini, a musician who is world class in both jazz and classical. Stumbled across a guitar when he was 13.Continue reading “Range: Childhood of Elite Musicians”

Clever Lands: Principles for High Performing Education System

“He who studies medicine without books sails an uncharted sea, but he who studies medicine without patients does not go to sea at all” Sir William Osler, Canadian Physician Here we go, the second post is waiting to read!! This time we will not discuss about the education culture in certain country. If you haven’tContinue reading “Clever Lands: Principles for High Performing Education System”

Clever Lands: Japanese Education Culture

“Even a thief takes ten years to learn his trade” by Japanese proverb Welcome to my first post in book category. In this occasion, I would share my opinion about the very special book titled “Clever Lands” by Lucy Crehan. Who is she? She is an education activist, actually a teacher, and now works inContinue reading “Clever Lands: Japanese Education Culture”

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